The headquarters of the Interiman Group is currently based in Renens, in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, with a German-speaking branch in Baden-Dättwil, in the canton of Aargau. Our specialised companies also operate several agencies throughout Switzerland. This diversity and proximity allows us to provide you with the best possible support in your search for candidates, advice, training, or job offers.Would you like to benefit from our services? Find out which company specialises in your industry and find your nearest agency below.
Company details
Individual, commercial and collective trainings
Jobs and advice for pensioners and seniors
Recruitment and selection of support, specialist and executive profiles
Your expert in temporary placements across multiple sectors
Collocamento fisso e temporaneo, formazione - Settore alberghiero e ristorazione
Training in hotel, hospitality and gastronomy
Coaching, outplacement and competency assessments
Platform for freelancers and Swiss companies
Fixed recruitment & temporary placements, training – health & social professions
Training – occupational health & safety
Wage portage, payrolling und HR support